LAdP Board Meetings are open to the public.
30 minutes for membership comments or questions limited to 3 minutes each.
Placitas Presbyterian Church 7 Paseo de San Antonio (Upper Room), Placitas, NM 87043
Notice of Special Board Meeting
Las Acequias de Placitas
Approve Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) FY 2021-2025 and Resol...
Placitas Presbyterian Church 7 Paseo de San Antonio (Upper Room), Placitas, NM 87043
Placitas Community/Senior Center
1. Call to Order
2. Read and Approve Prior Meeting Minutes
3. Reports:
a. System Operator
b. Mayordomo
c. Treasurer
4. Old Bu...
Placitas Community/Senior Center
Placitas Presbyterian Church, Upper Room
Agenda: 2018 Audit and Infrastructure Plan
Placitas Presbyterian Church, Upper Room
Placitas Senior Center
Meeting Agenda:
1. Review actions from the last meeting
2. Present the LAdP Infrastructure Proposal to the membership
Placitas Senior Center
SAdLHG Office
The purpose of this Special Meeting is for the LAdP Board to discuss and approve the Infrastructure Proposal that the Emergency Action Comm...
SAdLHG Office