Las Acequias de Placitas
Placitas, New Mexico
*One of only three "Hybrid Mutual Domestic-Acequia Associations" in New Mexico
Placitas, New Mexico
*One of only three "Hybrid Mutual Domestic-Acequia Associations" in New Mexico
February 11th
Planning for Wildfire Emergencies and Evacuation Notification Series
Dear members,
The organizer of this series is looking for up to 4 volunteers to help with parking at the library on the evening of the meeting (2/25) from 6:30 to 7:15.
Please contact Phillip Clark at phillip.clark1230@gmail.com if you're able to help.
Thank you.
February 2nd
Dear members,
Apologies for the late notification, but I just found out water meters will be read today. Please make sure your gates are unlocked and the meter readers have access to your water meter. If you cannot unlock your gate, please take a picture of your meter reader and send it to me at your earliest convenience.
January 21st
Good morning.
Today I mailed out fourth quarter 2024 bills. I encourage everyone to give the online bill paying a try. It will significantly help us to keep costs down. Please let me know by sending me your email and letting me know that you'd like to sign up for the service.
Thank you
January 18th
Dear members,
Finally, LAdP has gotten "somewhat modern" regarding bill payments! We can now accept ACH payments. This requires that I email your invoice to you. When you receive it, you'll find there is an option to pay your invoice online and you'll be prompted to input your bank's routing number and your account number. While LAdP will be paying a 1% fee to use this service, it will be partially offset by postage, printer toner, paper and envelope savings. Also, the amount of time spent processing the billing will be reduced. I encourage everyone to give this a try.
If you want to use this service you must send me an email letting me know you want to receive your invoice online and include the following information:
I'm going to hold off sending the 4th quarter 2024 bills via USPS until Monday, January 20th, hoping I hear back from many our members. Of course, bill payment via check using USPS will obviously remain an option.
As always, thank you for your patience as we try to embrace new technology,
January 5th
Dear members,
The announcement for the second fire and emergency meeting scheduled for February 25th at the library is available in the LADP DOWNLOADABLE FILES section of this homepage.
This meeting will continue to deal with planning for wildfires and emergency evacuations that may be of interest to our membership.
January 2nd
Dear members,
The rescheduled general membership meeting is now slated for Friday January 10th at 6:30 pm at the Senior Community Center. I hope to see you all there.
The agenda for this meeting can be found below in the LADP DOWNLOADABLE FILES section on this homepage.
Happy New Year to all
December 12th
Dear members,
While walking our dog this Sunday morning we noticed that on Paseo de San Antonio near the Presbyterian church (where the big pothole used to be) water was bubbling up out of the metal plate in the road. The system operator has been notified and he will check it out, call for utility spots, and generally address the issue.
With the cold temperatures we've been experiencing please be cautious as that section of the road may be icy.
December 6th
Dear members,
Starting about 2:00 pm the domestic water should back in service. Thank you for your patience as the cracked pipe (the second leak) was finally repaired today.
Three cheers for Jacob and his crew!
December 5th
Dear members,
I hate to be the bearer of bad news however the newly repaired leak is still leaking. Tomorrow morning about 8:30 a.m. the entire system will again be shut off. Tonight you may notice there is less water coming from your faucet with lower water pressure. The water is currently on and will be left on until 8:30 Friday morning, when it will again be turned off.
Please spread the word to your neighbors who may not have internet access.
Thank you and apologies for the inconvenience.
Dear members,
The domestic water is being turned back on again after the leak at 165 near the post office was repaired.
When turning the water back on after a shutdown, it must be opened up very slowly to allow air to be bled out. Our system is currently filling slowly because it is a gravity fed system, and the lower sections of the village should already have water.
If you have neighbors who aren't internet savvy please do me and them a favor and pass on the news whenever possible.
Thank you for your patience.
December 4th
Dear members,
Tomorrow, beginning around 9 a.m., the domestic water leak that is on State Hwy 165 near the Post Office will be repaired. Water will be turned off for those nearby members on 165 and all the way down the entirety of Camino de las Huertas.
The repairs and shut off will last until about 1 p.m. However I will keep you posted with updates as I learn more.
Thank you for your patience as we make the repairs.
December 2nd
Dear members,
The general membership meeting, originally scheduled for this Friday, has been postponed until early January. I'll send out notification of the date of the rescheduled meeting.
Water meters will be read tomorrow December 3rd. Please make sure that the readers have access to your meter. In the last two months there's been an uptick in the number of properties who haven't provided access.
Please unlock your gates. If this isn't possible, then take a photo of your meter reading and send it to me at this email address: noecharbonneau@yahoo.com.
Be sure to include your name and location.
Finally, a domestic water leak on Highway 165 has been located. Our system operator's been made aware of it and is spotting utilities in the area before any necessary digging can be done.
I'll send out an email when we know more about possible shutoffs required before the leak can be repaired.
Thank you,
November 24th
Dear Members,
There is an LAdP general meeting scheduled for 6:30 PM Friday December 6th at the Senior Center. The Notice/Agenda for this meeting is posted below in the LADP DOWNLOADABLE FILES section at the bottom of this page.
Carolyn Kennedy
LAdP Board President
November 15th
Good morning members,
A serious shortage of domestic water has occurred. An electrical breaker tripped and opened a valve although the system readout showed that it was closed. An automated valve up at Tanquecito has malfunctioned. Jacob was able to close it manually and has called in an electrician in to work on it.
Meanwhile the water levels in our tanks have dropped and we really need to conserve water until they recover.
Thank you
October 26th
Dear members,
There seems to be some confusion regarding the annual fee for the mayordomo's compensation. This year, it is being billed as a separate line item and is included in the third quarter of 2024 billing. According to the Bylaws of Las Acequias de Placitas, the compensation of the mayordomo is set at the annual meeting, which was held in December of last year. The fee is assessed to every household in the village, as outlined in Article VI Section 8 Compensation of Mayordomo.
The fee determined at the December 2023 meeting for 2024 was $50 per household. And for 2025 it's set to be increased to $65 per household.
The commissioners of Las Acequias de Placitas have been working hard to keep operating expenses down in spite of the ever increasing costs of goods and services over the last few years.
I hope this clarifies any questions or concerns you may have had.
Thank you,
Noe' Charbonneau
October 24th
Dear members,
Today I am dropping the 3rd quarter of 2024 water bills into the mail so you should receive them soon. A big thank you to those members who pay their bill in full and in a timely manner.
Several members have however allowed their account to fall into arrears. If you are one of these members, please address your outstanding bill. A steady income is necessary for Las Acequias de Placitas to function and maintain our system providing you with safe, reliable drinking and irrigation water.
On a different note, a community emergency preparedness meeting will be held on November 14th that should be of interest to our members. The announcement can be read in the LADP DOWNLOADLE FILES section below, near the bottom of this page.
Concerned citizens of Placitas are hosting a briefing for Placitas community members on actions to prepare for and react to a declaration of an emergency in the Placitas area. It is scheduled for 7:00-8:00pm, November 14, at the Placitas Community Library .
This briefing is envisioned to be the first of quarterly briefings by emergency agencies that will focus on how homeowners and residents can prepare to react to emergencies and evacuation notices.
The focus will be on how to prepare ahead of time to be ready to evacuate their homes on short notice and how to evacuate the area, given the limited egress options. And alternatively, if evacuation is not required, how best to respond as individuals.
Monday June 24th
Dear Members,
The current Consumer Confidence Report 203 for our drinking water is posted below for your information in the LADP DOWNLOADABLE FILES section.
Thank you
Tuesday November 7th 2023
Good morning,
Yesterday our system operator cleaned the injector in the chlorinator that provides the chlorine used to sanitize our drinking water.
This morning he tested the residual amounts along our system and has adjusted the amount of chlorine and frequency of the injections of chlorine. This was necessary as the spring flows have diminished and the amount of water flowing through the system has decreased. All of the sampling he performed this morning along our system had chlorine residual results well within the normal levels required for safe drinking water.
Thank you
Friday July 7, 2023
Good morning,
This month, our System Operator Jacob Maes will be assisting in the collection of five water samples within the village to be tested for Lead and Copper. These tests are performed every 3 years.
The residences where the samples are collected are the same locations every time and have been designated by the state. Jacob will be contacting the residents at these locations and providing them with a collection bottle and specific instructions for how the sample is to be obtained.
Thank you for your cooperation in this important testing.
Also for your information the 2022 Water Quality Report (the latest report) is posted below on the page in the LADP DOWNLOADABLE FILES Section.
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Dear members,
Recently a Las Acequias de Placitas member made an anonymous complaint to the New Mexico Environmental Department regarding insufficient disinfection of our water.
In response, NMED sent out a compliance officer to perform sampling at various sites around the village. On April 27th, 2023 the compliance officer collected several water samples and tested for free chlorine, water pressure, and the presence of microbiological contamination.
All sites sampled had measurable free chlorine residuals, water pressures at each site were 77 p.s.i. or greater, and no microbial contamination was detected. Las Acequias de Placitas water passed all of the New Mexico Environmental Department requirements and it was determined our water is safe and properly disinfected. The Bureau of Drinking Water will be following up with the member who made the anonymous complaint.
Our System Operator continually monitors our chlorine levels and doses our water as needed in an attempt to not over chlorinate our delicious mountain spring water. The current pump and flow rates make this challenging, but the System Operator has been vigilant in monitoring for free chlorine throughout the system and at the end of the line on Camino de los Pueblitos and adjusting accordingly.
We can be assured that our water is clean and safe.
Las Acequias de Placitas
The Domestic Water System for the Village of Placitas is unique within the greater Placitas community. Instead of utilizing wells as its primary source, the village draws its water directly from the Sandia Mountains through spring-fed ponds.
Today's multicultural Village of Placitas, New Mexico has a particularly rich Spanish history, and was settled in large part as a result of the San Antonio de Las Huertas Land Grant of 1768.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
(See More Photos in "Village Photo Gallery" - below)